New photoaffinity probes, N-(4-azidosalicylic)-aminosuccinic acid, 3-(4-azidophenylazo)-4-hydroxyphenylmalonic acid, (4-azido-2-nitroanilino)-N-succinic acid, 4-azidophenacylthiosuccinic acid and 4-azidophenylsuccinic acid, were synthesized and characterized chemically. They differ in the distance between dicarboxylic and azido groups, hydrophobicity and acidic moiety. These between dicarboxylic and azido groups, hydrophobicity and acidic moiety. These reagents can be applied for photoaffinity labeling of mitochondrial anion carriers and enzymes interacting with dicarboxylic acids. Inhibition and labeling of the dicarboxylate carrier is presented.