Introduction: The collaboration between healthcare levels is essential for our patients. The aim of this study is to determine the suitability of a referral protocol between the different healthcare levels.
Methods: A collaboration study was carried out between general practitioners, endocrinologists, and the Department of Biochemistry. After creating the protocol together and implementing it, the suitability was evaluated.
Results: A total of 284 referral sheets were evaluated, 65% were adequately sent, and 51% were referred due to laboratory abnormalities, 42% for morphological alterations, and 7% for both reasons. Just under three-quarters (72%) were referred in the normal way (adequacy 90.6%). The clinical information in the referral sheet was considered adequate in 59%, and the request for ultrasound was adequate in 78%. A significant number (16%) of patients should have been returned to Primary Care.
Conclusions: It is considered that creating protocols is part of our task. The compliance with the protocol can be improved in Primary Care and specialised care.
Keywords: Atención Primaria; Endocrinology; Endocrinología; Glándula tiroides; Primary Care; Protocol; Protocolo; Thyroid.
Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U.