The support of medication reviews in hospitalised patients using a clinical decision support system

Springerplus. 2016 Jun 24;5(1):871. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-2376-1. eCollection 2016.


Objectives: First, to estimate the added value of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) in the performance of medication reviews in hospitalised elderly. Second, to identify the limitations of the current CDSS by analysing generated drug-related problems (DRPs).

Methods: Medication reviews were performed in patients admitted to the geriatric ward of the Zuyderland medical centre. Additionally, electronically available patient information was introduced into a CDSS. The DRP notifications generated by the CDSS were compared with those found in the medication review. The DRP notifications were analysed to learn how to improve the CDSS.

Results: A total of 223 DRP strategies were identified during the medication reviews. The CDSS generated 70 clinically relevant DRP notifications. Of these DRP notifications, 63 % (44) were also found during the medication reviews. The CDSS generated 10 % (26) new DRP notifications and conveyed 28 % (70) of all 249 clinically relevant DRPs that were found. Classification of the CDSS generated DRP notifications related to 'medication error type' revealed that 'contraindications/interactions/side effects' and 'indication without medication' were the main categories not identified during the manual medication review. The error types 'medication without indication', 'double medication', and 'wrong medication' were mostly not identified by the CDSS.

Conclusions: The CDSS used in this study is not yet sufficiently advanced to replace the manual medication review, though it does add value to the manual medication review. The strengths and weaknesses of the current CDSS can be determined according to the medication error types.

Keywords: Clinical decision support systems; Geriatrics; Medication errors.