Introduction or background: Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) represents ~15% of all cases of lung cancer and is characterized by a rapid tumour doubling time, early onset disease dissemination and high sensitivity to chemotherapy.
Sources of data: We searched MEDLINE and OVID databases for articles in English published from January 1980 to February 2015.
Areas of agreement: Platinum-based chemotherapy, thoracic radiotherapy and prophylactic cranial irradiation are standard of care. Benefit from second-line chemotherapy is limited.
Areas of controversy: The role of platinum/irinotecan chemotherapy in the Western population and the role of maintenance therapies remain to be established.
Growing points: Knowledge of the biology of SCLC has expanded exponentially and many potential therapeutic targets have been identified.
Areas timely for developing research: The use of circulating tumour cells can help investigating molecular alterations occurring within tumour cells, understanding drug resistance mechanisms and evaluating new treatments.
Keywords: chemotherapy; liquid biopsy; rechallenge; small-cell lung cancer; targeted therapies; thoracic radiotherapy.
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