The aim of this study was to investigate the nature and causes of radiation dose imparted to patients undergoing barium-based X-ray fluoroscopy procedures in Tanzania and to compare these doses to those reported in the literature from other regions worldwide. The air kerma area product (KAP) to patient undergoing barium investigations of gastrointestinal tract system was obtained from four consultant hospitals. The KAP was determined using a flat transparent transmission ionization chamber. Mean values of KAP for barium swallow (BS), barium meal (BM) and barium enema (BE) were 2.79, 2.62 and 15.04 Gy cm2, respectively. The mean values of KAP per hospital for the BS, BM and BE procedures varied by factors of up to 7.3, 1.6 and 2.0, respectively. The overall difference between individual patient doses across the four consultant hospitals investigated differed by factors of up to 53, 29.5 and 12 for the BS, BM and BE procedures, respectively. The majority of the mean values of KAP was lower than the reported values for Ghana, Greece, Spain and the UK, while slightly higher than those reported for India. The observed wide variation of KAP values for the same fluoroscopy procedure within and among the hospitals was largely attributed to the dynamic nature of the procedures, the patient characteristics, the skills and experience of personnel, and the different examination protocols employed among hospitals. The observed great variations of procedural protocols and patient doses within and across the hospitals call for the need to standardize examination protocols and optimize barium-based fluoroscopy procedures.
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