From Kondo lattices to Kondo superlattices

Rep Prog Phys. 2016 Jul;79(7):074503. doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/79/7/074503. Epub 2016 Jun 8.


The realization of new classes of ground states in strongly correlated electron systems continues to be a major issue in condensed matter physics. Heavy fermion materials, whose electronic structure is essentially three-dimensional, are one of the most suitable systems for obtaining novel electronic states because of their intriguing properties associated with many-body effects. Recently, a state-of-the-art molecular beam epitaxy technique was developed to reduce the dimensionality of heavy electron systems by fabricating artificial superlattices that include heavy fermion compounds; this approach can produce a new type of electronic state in two-dimensional (2D) heavy fermion systems. In artificial superlattices of the antiferromagnetic heavy fermion compound CeIn3 and the conventional metal LaIn3, the magnetic order is suppressed by a reduction in the thickness of the CeIn3 layers. In addition, the 2D confinement of heavy fermions leads to enhancement of the effective electron mass and deviation from the standard Fermi liquid electronic properties, which are both associated with the dimensional tuning of quantum criticality. In the superconducting superlattices of the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 and nonmagnetic metal YbCoIn5, signatures of superconductivity are observed even at the thickness of one unit-cell layer of CeCoIn5. The most remarkable feature of this 2D heavy fermion superconductor is that the thickness reduction of the CeCoIn5 layers changes the temperature and angular dependencies of the upper critical field significantly. This result is attributed to a substantial suppression of the Pauli pair-breaking effect through the local inversion symmetry breaking at the interfaces of CeCoIn5 block layers. The importance of the inversion symmetry breaking in this system has also been supported by site-selective nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which can resolve spectroscopic information from each layer separately, even within the same CeCoIn5 block layer. In addition, recent experiments involving CeCoIn5/YbCoIn5 superlattices have shown that the degree of the inversion symmetry breaking and, in turn, the Rashba splitting are controllable, offering the prospect of achieving even more fascinating superconducting states. Thus, these Kondo superlattices pave the way for the exploration of unconventional metallic and superconducting states.