Current literature does not consistently show a benefit to providing medication cost information to inpatient health care prescribers. This study assessed the effectiveness of computerized provider order entry alerts that displayed the cost of a high-cost medication alongside a lower cost alternative, targeting 3 high-cost medications. Medication utilization during the one year prior to the intervention was compared to usage in the year after implementation. Reduced utilization of high-cost medications was found when comparing pre to post. Ipratropium hydrofluoroalkane and fluticasone hydrofluoroalkane metered dose inhaler utilization were reduced by 29% and 62%, respectively ( P < .001 for both). A 71% decrease in intravenous chlorothiazide was observed ( P < .001); however, its effect was unable to be separated from implementation of a heart failure diuretic protocol during the study period. Overall, these results suggest computerized medication cost alerts that recommend a lower cost therapeutic alternative are effective in changing prescribing practices.
Keywords: computerized alerts; decision support; medication cost; prescription drugs.