Caring for a child with a life-limiting condition brings a number of challenges and many families require additional support. The need for services to move away from a 'one size fits all' approach to a personalised care planning approach is well recognised, as is the value of establishing a robust way of assessing family members' differing needs. A number of assessment tools that consider individuals' holistic needs already exist. These are predominantly for the adult cancer population and exclude consideration of the child in its system. There was therefore a need to develop a tool that would appropriately meet the needs of children and parents who access services provided by a children's hospice. The tool was evaluated qualitatively. Feedback was positive; the experience of professionals was one of concordance with their ethical stance, improved communication, improved documentation and the wish to embed the tool into daily practice.
Keywords: Assessment; Holistic; Paediatric; Palliative; Qualitative.