Carotid endarterectomy was performed 77 times in 73 symptomatic patients. In 67 of them there had been 1 or more transient ischemic attacks (TIA), in 4 transient atypical symptoms, and in 2 mild persistent neurological deficits. After operation 1 died of a stroke and 1 had a nonfatal myocardial infarction. In 3.3% of 33 low-risk patients (Sundt's classes 1 and 2) there was mild postoperative neurological deficit. The rate of neurological complications was much higher in 40 high-risk patients (classes 2 and 3), including 5 with postoperative stroke. Followup averaged 21.5 months (longest 54 months), the 5-year survival (by extrapolation from a life table analysis curve) was 87%, and there was only 1 fatal stroke. Those who recovered from operation without complications had an 86% chance of having no further neurological problems.