Biochemical validation of reported exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) lends credibility to epidemiological studies investigating the association of passive inhalation of smoke to respiratory disease or lung cancer. In the current study, a series of questions regarding ETS exposure was self-administered to nonsmokers and self-reported intensity of exposure was compared with cotinine levels in urine samples obtained on site. The target population of this study was a group of municipal workers who reported exposure in a domestic setting and/or in the workplace. When asked if they were exposed to ETS on social occasions, both males and females who responded positively had higher urinary cotinine levels (P less than 0.02) than those who gave a negative response. Mean urinary cotinine concentrations were found to be elevated in both men and women who reported that they lived with a smoker. Cotinine levels in the urine of those reporting exposure were over twice as high as those in the urine of respondents who denied having been exposed. ETS exposure in the home was the greatest contributor to increased urinary cotinine levels in both men and women. Among individuals who were exposed at work only, the reported degree of exposure agreed well with the mean urinary cotinine values. Those findings emphasize that the validation of exposure status with a biomarker is an essential prerequisite for epidemiological studies investigating passive smoking.