Background.: Driver confidence can be measured through concepts such as driving frequency, situational avoidance, and self-perceptions. However, it is not clear how well confidence aligns with actual driving performance.
Purpose.: We examined the relationship between subjective measures of confidence in driving ability and on-road performance.
Method.: We report findings from two studies. The first compared scores from the Older and Wiser Driver Questionnaire to an on-road driving evaluation. The second looked at the Day and Night Driving Comfort Scales and Driving Habits and Intentions Questionnaire in relation to an on-road driving evaluation.
Findings.: No measures of confidence in driving ability were related to on-road driving performance.
Implications.: Confidence in driving ability bears little relationship to on-road performance. Future research should examine approaches to foster a better match between self-assessments and actual abilities among drivers.
Keywords: Autoefficacité; Automobile driving; Autoévaluation; Community-dwelling older drivers; Conducteurs âgés vivant dans la collectivité; Conduite automobile; On-road testing; Self-efficacy; Self-report; Épreuve de conduite sur route.