Thoracic surgery represents a special challenge for anesthesia and requires a high level of human and material resources. Accurate knowledge of the pathophysiology is essential for selection of the anesthetic procedure, the separation of the lungs, monitoring and treatment of hemodynamics as well as for postoperative follow-up care. The increasing number of thoracic interventions and patients who are often suffering from complex diseases require close interdisciplinary cooperation between surgeons, anesthesiologists and intensive care specialists. In addition to the anesthetic techniques particular attention must be paid to the prevention of perioperative complications that can have a relevant effect on patient outcome. In particular hypoxemia during one-lung ventilation influences postoperative morbidity and mortality. Protective pulmonary ventilation strategies play an important role in prevention of postoperative acute lung injury.
Keywords: Acute lung injury; Hypoxemia; Lung protective ventilation; One-lung ventilation; Thoracic surgery.