The age-related changes in vegetative regulation of blood circulation during active orthostatic test (AOT) have been studied in 90 practically healthy people aged from 21 to 89. The stroke blood volume was determined using the tetrapolar thoracic rheography. The basic state of the vegetative heart regulation and its changes during AOT were studied by means of the spectral analysis of the stationary rhythmograms. It is shown that intensity of both primary and secondary compensatory circulatory responses during the AOT decreases with age. An age-related impairment of the reflectory influences on heart and vessels is induced by a decreased overall vegetative tonus and insufficient activation of the sympathetic system in orthostasis. The orthostatic hypotension in elderly and old people is probably mediated by an inadequately small increment of peripheral vascular resistance and cardiac rhythm resulting from the age-related impairment of baroreceptor sympathetic control of the blood pressure.