This study investigated the effect of bioglass (melting)-polyvinyl alcohol (BG (M)-PVA) and bioglass (melting)-polyvinyl alcohol-20 %ciprofloxacin (BG(M)-PVA-20Cip) in improving antioxidant activity and regenerating bone capacity. These composites were implanted in femoral condyles of ovariectomized Wistar rats and compared to that of controls groups. After the different period of implantation (15, 30, 60 and 90 days), the treatment of ovariectomized rats with BG(M)-PVA-20Cip showed a significantly higher malondialdehyde concentration when compared to that of BG(M)-PVA group. The superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase in BG(M)-PVA-20Cip group showed significantly lower activities when compared to those in BG(M)-PVA group. So, BG(M)-PVA is more tolerated by organism than BG(M)-PVA-20Cip. Moreover, the alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase activities showed an excellent osteoinductive property of BG (M)-PVA. This property decreased with the presence of ciprofloxacin which is confirmed by histopathological analysis. Several physicochemical techniques showed a rapid reduction in Si and Na in one hand and an accelerator rise in Ca and P ions concentrations in other hand in BG(M)-PVA than in the BG(M)-PVA-20Cip. Therefore, the incorporation of ciprofloxacin in BG(M)-PVA is characterized by a prooxidant effect in oxidant-antioxidant balance at the beginning of treatment and a retard effect of formation of apatitic phase.
Keywords: Bioglass; Ciprofloxacin; Melting; Prooxidant; Retard.