Background: B10 cells are specific B cell subsets with the capacity of producing IL-10 to inhibit immune responses. Several studies have demonstrated that B10 cells are correlated with some immune and inflammatory diseases, such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), collagen-induced arthritis (CA), colitis and contact hypersensitivity. However, its role in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) has not been clearly demonstrated yet.
Purpose: In this study, we show that B10 cells can inhibit inflammation of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP).
Materials and methods: Blood from 17 patients with SAP and 22 age-matched healthy volunteers were collected to detect the proportion of B10 cells. CD19-/- mice were used as B10 cell-deficient mice. Amylase and lipase levels, pancreatic edema and HE staining were tested to assess the severity of SAP.
Results: CD19-/- mice, which lack B10 cells, suffered a more severe inflammation in pancreas compared with wild-type mice after caerulein injection. The frequency of B10 cells was decreased both in SAP patients and SAP animal models. Adoptive transfer of B10 cells ameliorates inflammatory injury of pancreatitis in CD19-/- mice.
Conclusion: Thus, we identified B10 cells as a protective factor for SAP and provided a novel target for SAP treatment.
Keywords: Adoptive transfer; B10 cells; Inflammation; Severe acute pancreatitis.