Background: Devices enabling long-term intracranial pressure monitoring have been demanded for some time. The first solutions using telemetry were proposed in 1967. Since then, many other wireless systems have followed but some technical restrictions have led to unacceptable measurement uncertainties. In 2009, a completely revised telemetric pressure device called Neurovent P-tel was introduced to the market. This report reviews technical aspects, handling, possibilities of data analysis, and the efficiency of the probe in clinical routine.
Methods: The telemetric device consists of 3 main parts: the passive implant, the active antenna, and the storage monitor. The implant with its parenchymal pressure transducer is inserted via a frontal burr hole. Pressure values can be registered with a frequency of 1 Hz or 5 Hz. Telemetrically gathered data can be viewed on the storage monitor or saved on a computer for detailed analyses. A total of 247 patients with suspected (n = 123) or known (n = 124) intracranial pressure disorders underwent insertion of the telemetric pressure probe.
Results: A detailed analysis of the long-term intracranial pressure profile including mean values, maximum and negative peaks, pathologic slow waves, and pulse pressure amplitudes is feasible using the detection rate of 5 Hz. This enables the verification of suspected diagnoses as normal-pressure hydrocephalus, benign intracranial hypertension, shunt malfunction, or shunt overdrainage. Long-term application also facilitates postoperative surveillance and supports valve adjustments of shunt-treated patients.
Conclusions: The presented telemetric measurement system is a valuable and effective diagnostic tool in selected cases.
Keywords: Hydrocephalus; Intracranial pressure; P-tel; Telemetric ICP measurement; Telemetry.
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