Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is the main extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease and the full clinical picture can impair the quality of life of the patients considerably. Active inflammation can often be effectively treated by intravenous steroids/immunosuppression, however does not lead to full remission, since inflammation rather quickly results in irreversible fibrosis and increase of orbital fat. Very important is the control of risk factors (smoking cessation, good control of thyroid function, selenium supplementation) to prevent progression to severe stages. Treatment should rely on a thorough assessment of activity and severity of GO. Rehabilitative surgery (orbital decompression, squint surgery, eyelid surgery) is needed in many patients to restore function and appearance. Anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor antibodies do specifically occur in these patients and correlate to the course of thyroid and eye disease. The levels of these antibodies can be used for treatment decisions at certain time points of the disease.
Keywords: Graves’ disease; Graves’ orbitopathy; Immunmodulatory therapy; Reconstructive surgical procedures; Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor.