In spite of the fact that the rabbit is being widely used as a laboratory animal in experimental neurocardiology, neural control of SAN cells in the rabbit heart has been insufficiently examined thus far. This study analyzes the distribution of SAN cells and their innervation pattern employing fluorescent immunohistochemistry on rabbit whole mount atrial preparations. A dense network of adrenergic (positive for TH), cholinergic (positive for ChAT), nitrergic (positive for nNOS) and possibly sensory (positive for SP) NFs together with numerous neuronal somata were identified on the RRCV where the main mass of SAN cells positive for HCN4 were distributed as well. In general, the area occupied by SAN cells comprised nearly the entire RRCV and possessed a three to four times denser network of NFs compared with adjacent atrial walls. Adrenergic NFs predominated noticeably in-between SAN cells. Solitary neuronal somata or somata gathered into small clusters were positive solely for ChAT or nNOS, respectively or simultaneously for both neuronal markers (ChAT and nNOS). Neuronal somata positive for nNOS were more frequent than those positive for ChAT. In conclusion, findings of the present study demonstrate a dense and complex ganglionated neural network of both autonomic and sensory NFs, closely related to SAN cells which spread widely on the RRCV and extend as sleeves of these cells toward the walls of the rabbit RA.
Keywords: Anatomy; Cardiac neurons; Immunohistochemistry; Innervation; Rabbit; Sinoatrial nodal cells.
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