Despite of the recent advanced with the video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), the most common approach for bronchial and carinal resection is still the open surgery. The technical difficulties, the steep learning curve and the concerns about performing an oncologic and safe reconstruction in advanced cases, are the main reasons for the low adoption of VATS for sleeve resections. Most of the authors use 3-4 incisions for thoracoscopic sleeve procedures. However these surgical techniques can be performed by a single incision approach by skilled uniportal VATS surgeons. The improvements of the surgical instruments, high definition cameras and recent 3D systems have greatly contributed to facilitate the adoption of uniportal VATS techniques for sleeve procedures. In this article we describe the technique of thoracoscopic bronchial sleeve, bronchovascular and carinal resections through a single incision approach.
Keywords: Sleeve lobectomy; bronchoplasty; carinal resection; double sleeve; uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS); vascular reconstruction.