The nasoseptal flap provides hearty vascularized tissue for the reconstruction of skull base defects subsequent to expanded endonasal approaches; however, it leads to exposure of the cartilage at the septal donor site producing crusting and discomfort while it remucosalizes. We report an alternative technique to reconstruct the denuded nasal septal donor site by means of a free fascia lata graft. Fascia lata grafting of the nasoseptal flap donor site showed evidence of revascularization 4 weeks after initial surgery. Re-epithelialization was complete 4-12 weeks postoperation. Although the nasoseptal flap provides a versatile reconstructive technique, its harvest results in significant donor site morbidity. A free fascia lata graft accelerates the rate of donor site remucosalization; thus, decreasing the nasal complications.
Keywords: Endoscopic skull base surgery; Fascia lata graft; Nasoseptal flap; Reconstruction; Septal flap donor site.