Dexmedetomidine, an alpha2 -adrenergic agonist, may be used in companion animals for chemical restraint, including cardiac evaluation. Echocardiographic changes associated with alpha2 -adrenergic agonists have been described; however reports of radiographic changes in cats were not found at the time of this study. Aims of this observational, prospective, experimental study were to describe the effects of dexmedetomidine on the radiographic appearance of the cardiac silhouette in healthy, adult cats. Fourteen healthy adult cats received dexmedetomidine 40 mcg/kg IM. Right lateral, left lateral, ventrodorsal, and dorsoventral thoracic radiographs were obtained for each cat at three time points: presedation, intrasedation, and postsedation (≥ two hours after reversal with atipamezole). Radiographs were evaluated in a blinded, randomized fashion by two independent observers using the vertebral heart score on all four views, the number of intercostal spaces on lateral projections, and the percent width of thorax on ventrodorsal and dorsoventral projections. Median vertebral heart score on right lateral view was significantly increased intrasedation (median = 7.8; range = 7.25-8.25) compared to presedation (median = 7.5; range = 7-8 [P = 0.001]). Median percentage width was significantly higher intrasedation (70% on VD; range 65-80 [P = 0.001], and 75% on DV; range 65-80 [P = 0.006]) compared to presedation (65%; range 65-75 on both projections). Dexmedetomidine was associated with a small but significant increase in cardiac silhouette size on right lateral (vertebral heart score), ventrodorsal (percentage width), and dorsoventral (percentage width) radiographs in healthy adult cats. This effect should be taken into consideration for future interpretation of thoracic radiographs in dexmedetomidine-sedated cats.
Keywords: Alpha2-adrenergic agonist; cardiomegaly; feline; heart.
© 2016 American College of Veterinary Radiology.