Any strategy to reduce stroke burden involves crucial inputs from individuals (risk reduction, rapid recognition and response to symptoms onset) which imply a certain level of stroke knowledge. Health-related applications (apps) have been identified as a novel platform for dissemination of health information to the public. Only few apps about stroke are currently available with scientifically valid information, none of them are available in Italian. We developed the first and only Italian stroke app, ICTUS3R. We also pilot tested ICTUS3R in terms of its usage during the first 12 months following release (October 30, 2014). ICTUS3R was developed in collaboration with communication experts, stroke leaders and web producers. ICTUS3R was pilot tested in terms of number and distribution of downloads. Data about 1 year usage were anonymously collected from ICTUS 3R release on October 30, 2014. ICTUS3R includes a stroke screening tool, information how to react in case of suspected stroke, and information about risk factors including personal stroke risk calculator. ICTUS 3R web site was visited 36,242 times. Mean session duration was over 2 min. The 48 % of downloads were by individuals aged 25-44 years, 12 % by individuals ≥55 years. ICTUS3R downloads were distributed across all the Italian provinces, in varying proportions. The 4.3 % of downloads were done outside Italy. ICTUS3R can be an important contribution to stroke management and prevention, it proved to be well received for dissemination of stroke information among Italians. Its use could contribute to reduce stroke burden in Italy.
Keywords: Stroke; Stroke application; Stroke education; Stroke knowledge.