Self-Powered Bipolar Electrochromic Electrode Arrays for Direct Displaying Applications

Anal Chem. 2016 Mar 1;88(5):2543-7. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00054. Epub 2016 Feb 12.


Here we report a self-powered-bipolar-electrochromic-electrode (termed SP-BP-EC-E) array for the displaying applications including catalyst screening, catalytic activity measurement, and enzyme substrate quantification. By replacing the directional (or active) power source with the isotropic chemical energy to drive the bipolar electrochemical reaction, the driving background signal, bipolar electrode (BPE) background signal, uneven reporting signal and the influence of electrolysis which commonly appear in traditional bipolar systems are effectively eliminated from origin. Thus, the reporting signals from the SP-BP-EC-E arrays can be more direct and reliable to reflect the target nature. Such a SP-BP-EC-E platform exhibits a sensitive response toward the fast analysis of commercial Pt black catalyst, NiPdAu hollow nanospheres, glucose dehydrogenase, and glucose. To our knowledge, this test paper-like SP-BP-EC-E is the simplest platform for high-throughput screening to date, which offers a very convenient approach for nonprofessional people to access the complicated screening and fast analysis of the electrocatalysts and biocatalyst activity and quantification of enzymatic substrates.

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  • Letter
  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't