In this paper, we propose a multi-scale, multi-kernel shape, compactly supported kernel bundle framework for stationary velocity field-based image registration (Wendland kernel bundle stationary velocity field, wKB-SVF). We exploit the possibility of directly choosing kernels to construct a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) instead of imposing it from a differential operator. The proposed framework allows us to minimize computational cost without sacrificing the theoretical foundations of SVF-based diffeomorphic registration. In order to recover deformations occurring at different scales, we use compactly supported Wendland kernels at multiple scales and orders to parameterize the velocity fields, and the framework allows simultaneous optimization over all scales. The performance of wKB-SVF is extensively compared to the 14 non-rigid registration algorithms presented in a recent comparison paper. On both MGH10 and CUMC12 datasets, the accuracy of wKB-SVF is improved when compared to other registration algorithms. In a disease-specific application for intra-subject registration, atrophy scores estimated using the proposed registration scheme separates the diagnostic groups of Alzheimer's and normal controls better than the state-of-the-art segmentation technique. Experimental results show that wKB-SVF is a robust, flexible registration framework that allows theoretically well-founded and computationally efficient multi-scale representation of deformations and is equally well-suited for both inter- and intra-subject image registration.