Microcyclic rusts of hollyhock ( Alcea rosea )

IMA Fungus. 2015 Dec;6(2):477-82. doi: 10.5598/imafungus.2015.06.02.11. Epub 2015 Nov 20.


Rust fungi infecting hollyhock and other plants in Malveae are frequently intercepted at ports of entry to the USA, particularly Puccinia malvacearum and P. heterogenea. These two species can be difficult to distinguish and can be further confused with other, less common species of microcyclic rust fungi infecting hollyhock: P. heterospora, P. lobata, P. platyspora, and P. sherardiana. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that P. malvacearum and P. heterogenea are closely related, along with P. sherardiana and P. platyspora. A key to the six microcyclic Puccinia species infecting hollyhock is presented.

Keywords: Puccinia; Pucciniales; identification; pathogen interceptions; taxonomy.