Background: Our institution has incorporated the use of objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) in our residency curriculum. The OSCE provides trainee education and evaluation while addressing the six Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) core competencies required within training programs. We report our program's experience with the first cleft OSCE ever conducted.
Methods: A validated method for administration of OSCEs currently used at our medical school was utilized for residents in postgraduate years (PGYs) 3 through 6. The video-recorded patient encounter involved a 1-month-old newborn with a unilateral cleft lip and palate and used standardized patient actors as parents. A post-encounter written exam assessed medical knowledge. A questionnaire regarding the utility of the exercise was administered to residents after the OSCE. Results were evaluated using analysis of variance (P < .05).
Results: There was a positive correlation with increasing level of training in terms of medical knowledge (P < .04). Residents in PGY-3 and PGY-4 demonstrated lower understanding of the surgical markings and details of the lip repair compared with those in PGY-5 and PGY-6 (P < .03). All residents performed similarly on evaluation of the remaining ACGME core competencies. All residents agreed that this was a realistic and useful encounter.
Conclusion: Results of our cleft OSCE demonstrate that medical knowledge regarding the evaluation, management, and surgical repair of patients is less in midlevel residents. All residents expressed an interest in earlier exposure to pediatric patients in the training period. Although a cleft OSCE does not replace clinical rotations, it is a valuable adjunct to training and evaluation of trainees, particularly for junior residents.
Keywords: OSCE; cleft lip; education.