Setting of possibilities of structural changes correction in submandibular salivary gland with a Dialipone drug, caused by adverse effect of heavy metals salts on an organisms of different age group rats. Structural changes and their correction were studied on the histological preparations basis painted by hematoxylin-eozin, Van-Gizon, PAS reaction, investigated and photographed by means of the digital image display system "SEO Scan". In comparison to the results of submandibular salivary gland tissue histological research of animals without any correction of microelementosis, animals that took Dialipone are marked with a better glandular epithelium saving, less widespreading of dystrophic and dyscirculatory changes, sclerotization processes in stroma. When comparing of Dialipone restoration possibilities, it was set, that different age group animals show different application efficiency of the corrector. The rats of young and mature age have more complete renewal of structural changes. The rats of advanced age show worse reparative capabilities, less complete and effective renewal of structural changes.