It is now widely recognized that HLA-G molecule is implicated in immune tolerance and particularly in immune subversion of tumor cells. In this study, we explored levels of soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) in plasma samples obtained from women with breast cancer (BC). Additionally, we correlated sHLA-G concentration with pregnancy and breastfeeding history. We reported in this preliminary work significant differences in sHLA-G levels between BC patients with/without breastfeeding experience (p = 0.04). Interestingly, among women with BC, only those without previous pregnancy experience present significant increase in sHLA-G (p = 0.02). Of relevance, we demonstrated that patients without both pregnancy and breastfeeding history have advanced SBR III grade, associated with significant enhancement in tumor size compared with patients who had both experiences (p = 0.028). Taken together, our results indicate the potential implication of previous pregnancy and breastfeeding experience in sHLA-G expression during BC. We theorized that having pregnancy and breastfeeding history may protect against advanced BC stages.
Keywords: Breast cancer; Breastfeeding; Pregnancy; sHLA-G.