1 PCDDs and PCDFs are ubiquitous and persistent in the environment. They are to be found in body tissues of both humans and animals. 2 The most extensively studied PCDD is 2,3,7,8-TCDD. It has been shown to produce a wide range of effects and is considered to be a (non-genotoxic) carcinogen in animals. 3 Studies into the mechanisms of toxicity so far reveal that there is involvement of a specific receptor (Ah), however further work is required to elucidate the mechanisms of the various effects. 4 Reports on a number of human exposures to PCDDs and PCDFs are described. Results from human epidemiological studies are difficult to interpret: there have been problems in methodology; there has been inadequate information on intake, and exposures have often been to mixtures of PCDDs and/or PCDFs together with other related compounds. 5 Many regulatory authorities faced with the problem of providing an index of risk from exposure to mixtures of PCDDs and PCDFs have employed the concept of 'TCDD equivalents'. 6 Whether or not PCDDs and PCDFs pose a significant human health risk at current levels of exposure they remain of considerable interest to the toxicologist.