In 2010, a new mouse papillomavirus, MmuPV1, was discovered in a colony of NMRI- Foxn1(nu)/Foxn1(nu) athymic mice in India. This finding was significant because it was the first papillomavirus to be found in a laboratory mouse. In this paper we report successful infections of both dorsal and ventral surfaces of the rostral tongues of outbred athymic nude mice. We also report the observation that the base of the tongue, the area of the tongue often targeted by cancer-associated high-risk papillomavirus infections in humans, is especially susceptible to infection. A suitable animal model for the study of oral papillomavirus infections, co-infections, and cancers has long been sought. The work presented here suggests that such a model is now at hand.
Keywords: Back of tongue infection; Circumvallate papilla; Immunocompromised; MmuPV1; Mouse model; Mouse papillomavirus; Mucosal; Oral cancer; Oral papillomavirus infection; Von Ebner׳s glands.
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