Introduction: Intramural duodenal hematoma (IDH) is a rare pathological entity that occurs as a complication of trauma, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease or endoscopic biopsy procedures. In this report, we present a case of IDH related to a duodenal diverticulum that was complicated by intra-abdominal bleeding and peritonitis.
Presentation of case: We report a 31-year old male who presented with pancreatitis that was complicated with IDH, as diagnosed using endoscopy and CT scan of the abdomen. The condition was related to a duodenal diverticulum as appears on imaging. The patient was treated conservatively over a course of 1 week when he started to have intra-abdominal bleeding and developed peritonitis. The patient was successfully treated with laparotomy, drainage of intra-abdominal abscess, evacuation of IDH and repair of duodenal perforation. We discuss this case in the context of the current indications of surgery in cases of IDH.
Conclusion: Despite shift towards conservative management of IDH cases over last few decades, these cases should be handled carefully as they might develop life-threatening complications.
Keywords: Bleeding; Duodenal diverticulum; Duodenal hematoma; Failed conservation; Surgical management.
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