Background: Heart rate (HR) assessment is essential during neonatal resuscitation, and it is usually done by auscultation or pulse oximetry (PO). The aim of the present study was to determine whether HR assessment with ECG is as fast and reliable as PO during preterm resuscitation.
Material and methods: Thirty-nine preterm (<32 weeks of gestational age and/or<1.500g of birth weight) newborn resuscitations were video-recorded. Simultaneous determinations of HR using ECG and PO were registered every 5s for the first 10min after birth. Time needed to place both devices and to obtain reliable readings, as well as total time of signal loss was registered. The proportion of reliable HR readings available at the beginning of different resuscitation manoeuvres was also determined.
Results: Time needed to connect the ECG was shorter compared with the PO (26.64±3.01 vs. 17.10±1.28 s, for PO and ECG, respectively, P<.05). Similarly, time to obtain reliable readings was shorter for the ECG (87.28±12.11 vs. 26.38±3.41 s, for PO and ECG, respectively, P<.05). Availability of reliable HR readings at initiation of different resuscitation manoeuvres was lower with the PO (PO vs. ECG for positive pressure ventilation: 10.52 vs. 57.89% P<.05; intubation: 33.33 vs. 91.66%, P<.05). PO displayed lower HR values during the first 6min after birth (P<.05, between 150 and 300s).
Conclusions: Reliable HR is obtained later with the PO than with the ECG during preterm resuscitation. PO underestimates HR in the first minutes of resuscitation.
Keywords: Electrocardiogram; Electrocardiograma; Frecuencia cardíaca; Heart rate; Neonato; Newborn; Preterm; Pretérmino; Pulse oximeter; Pulsioximetría; Reanimación; Resuscitation.
Copyright © 2015 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.