Pituitary gland duplication is a particularly rare finding. Different theories have been proposed to explain its pathogenesis, however, this phenomenon is not yet totally understood. Recently, duplication of the pituitary gland (DPG)-plus syndrome has been described, associating DPG with other blastogenic defects. We present the clinical and imaging findings of a newborn girl with DPG, associated with multiple other midline anomalies, including a nasopharyngeal teratoma, palate cleft deformity, bifid nasal bridge, tongue and uvula, hypoplasia of the basis pontis and corpus callosum, duplication of the basilar artery and hypothalamic hamartoma. We describe our patient's multidisciplinary team approach and emphasise the importance of reporting upcoming cases, in order to give more insight into the understanding of this complex entity.
2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.