High-order modes in cavity-resonator-integrated guided-mode resonance filters (CRIGFs)

J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2015 Nov 1;32(11):1973-81. doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.32.001973.


Cavity-resonator-integrated guided-mode resonance filters (CRIGFs) are optical filters based on weak coupling by a grating between a free-space propagating optical mode and a guided mode, like guided-mode resonance filters (GMRFs). As compared to GMRFs they offer narrowband reflection with small aperture and high angular acceptance. We report experimental characterization and theoretical modeling of unexpected high-order reflected modes in such devices. Using coupled-mode modeling and moiré analysis we provide physical insight on key mechanisms ruling CRIGF properties. This model could serve as a simple and efficient framework to design new reflectors with tailored spatial and spectral modal reflectivities.