Our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of heart failure (HF) has changed considerably in recent years, progressing from a merely haemodynamic viewpoint to a concept of systemic and multifactorial involvement in which numerous mechanisms interact and concatenate. The effects of these mechanisms go beyond the heart itself, to other organs of vital importance such as the kidneys, liver and lungs. Despite this, the pathophysiology of acute HF still has aspects that elude our deeper understanding. Haemodynamic overload, venous congestion, neurohormonal systems, natriuretic peptides, inflammation, oxidative stress and its repercussion on cardiac and vascular remodelling are currently considered the main players in acute HF. Starting with the concept of acute HF, this review provides updates on the various mechanisms involved in this disease.
Keywords: Acute heart failure; Cardiorenal syndrome; Congestión venosa; Fisiopatología; Inflamación; Inflammation; Insuficiencia cardiaca aguda; Pathophysiology; Remodelado; Remodelling; Síndrome cardiorrenal; Venous congestion.
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