B cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2)-related proteins control programmed cell death through a complex network of protein-protein interactions mediated by BCL-2 homology 3 (BH3) domains. Given their roles as dynamic linchpins, the discovery of novel BH3-containing proteins has attracted considerable attention. However, without a clearly defined BH3 signature sequence the BCL-2 family has expanded to include a nebulous group of nonhomologous BH3-only proteins, now justified by an intriguing twist. We present evidence that BH3s from both ordered and disordered proteins represent a new class of short linear motifs (SLiMs) or molecular recognition features (MoRFs) and are diverse in their evolutionary histories. The implied corollaries are that BH3s have a broad phylogenetic distribution and could potentially bind to non-BCL-2-like structural domains with distinct functions.
Keywords: BCL-2 family; BH3; MoRF/MoRE; SLiM; globular domains; intrinsically disordered proteins.
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