Autoimmune anterior uveitis (AU) accounts for at least half of the cases of noninfectious uveitis, and similarly to spondyloarthritis (SpA), its occurrence is related to HLA-B27 positivity. AU is significantly more frequently found in HLA-B27-positive subjects with SpA and is characterized by unilateral eye involvement, marked tendency to recur with involvement of both eyes in alternate fashion, and has good prognosis in the majority of cases. The estimated frequency of SpA in patients with AU is around 50%, whereas AU in SpA has been reported in at least 30% of cases. Across the SpA disease spectrum, AU has a frequency peak of 33.4% in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, while the estimated prevalence in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and inflammatory bowel disease-associated SpA is 2%-25%, and 25%, respectively. In early PsA, the frequency of AU has been found in 9% of patients. The wide range of prevalence reported in PsA may be explained by the variable sets of classification criteria used for patient selection and the different length of followup. AU may precede the clinical features of SpA, may be present at diagnosis, or may complicate the SpA clinical course. However, the occurrence of AU in SpA as well as AU flares has been reduced through treatment of SpA with anti-tumor necrosis factor-α agents.