Esophagopleural fistula (EPF) is a rare condition that is usually accompanied by severe infection and life-threatening morbidity. Here, we report the successful treatment of an EPF by closing an esophageal orifice using the over-the-scope-clip (OTSC) system without postprocedural complications. A 41-year-old man had serious thoracic and abdominal trauma due to a traffic accident. Computed tomography revealed findings suggestive of esophageal rupture due to Boerhaave syndrome. An emergent explorative operation was performed for primary repair with the insertion of a vacuum-assisted closure device. A postoperative upper gastrointestinal series revealed an EPF tract connecting the left pleural space and distal esophagus. We performed an endoscopic procedure using the "traumatic-type"OTSC to seal the EPF, and the esophageal orifice was completely healed 2 weeks postoperatively. The OTSC system might represent a safe and feasible modality for the treatment of EPF.
Keywords: Esophagopleural fistula; Negative-pressure wound therapy; Over-the-scope-clip.