Non-Conjugated Polymer Dots with Crosslink-Enhanced Emission in the Absence of Fluorophore Units

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2015 Dec 1;54(49):14626-37. doi: 10.1002/anie.201504951. Epub 2015 Oct 16.


A new type of fluorescent material is presented, which is called non-conjugated polymer dots (NCPDs). The NCPDs only possess sub-fluorophores (which are groups such as C=O, C=N, N=O) instead of typical conjugated fluorophore groups, and thus these materials should not have strong photoluminescence (PL) in the usual sense. Nevertheless, the PL of these sub-fluorophores can be enhanced by chemical crosslinking or physical immobilization of polymer chains, which is named the crosslink-enhanced emission (CEE) effect. The significant advances achieved by us and other groups on both experimental and theoretical aspects are discussed, and the covalent-bond CEE, rigidity-aggregated CEE, or supramolecular CEE in NCPDs is elaborated. Moreover, synthetic strategies, unique optical properties, and the promise of NCPDs in bio-related fields, such as bioimaging and drug delivery, are systematically discussed.

Keywords: carbon nanodots; crosslink-enhanced emission; non-conjugated polymer dots; photoluminescence; sub-fluorophores.

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  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't