Neural fibrolipoma is characterized by infiltration of the epineurium by adipose and fibrous tissue. Intradural spinal cases are extremely rare. We report an unusual case of spinal neural fibrolipoma. A 31-year-old pregnant woman presented due to weakness of right leg (muscle strength 2/5). Magnetic resonance (MR) evaluation of the spine revealed an extramedullary intradural mass at the T1-T4 level. MR findings were suggesting a dermoid cyst or a lipoma. Subtotal surgical excision of the tumor was done. Histopathological examination showed enlarged nerve bundles infiltrated by fibroadipose tissue. Thus, the diagnosis of neural fibrolipoma was established. One month after surgery, lumbar MR showed residual tumor tissue, but successful decompression of the spinal cord. Six months after surgery, the neurological examination, muscle strength 4/5 evaluated. Neural fibrolipoma is characterized by infiltration of the epineurium by adipose and fibrous tissue. The tissue grows between and around nerve bundles thereby causing enlargement of the affected nerve. Neural fibrolipoma is a benign lesion with no effective therapy. Surgical excision usually causes severe damage of the involved nerve. Although spinal cases are extremely rare, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of extramedullary intradural masses.
Keywords: Hamartoma; pathology; spine.