A 60-year-old man received mitral valve repair via right mini-thoracotomy, which was followed by unilateral re-expansion pulmonary edema on the right side and severe hemoptysis just after the surgery. Despite differential lung ventilation with unilateral high positive end expiratory pressure was initiated for the affected right lung, respiratory function did not improved and hemodynamics was collapsed in the next day. Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was initiated by cannulation of the right jugular and the left femoral vein. After pulmonary function recovered gradually, veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was terminated on the fifth postoperative day. He was discharged in ambulatory condition on postoperative day 52.
Keywords: Minimally invasive cardiac surgery; Mitral valve repair; Re-expansion pulmonary edema; Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.