Near-infrared tailored thermal emission from wafer-scale continuous-film resonators

Opt Express. 2015 Sep 21;23(19):A1111-9. doi: 10.1364/OE.23.0A1111.


We experimentally investigate the near-infrared emission from simple-to-fabricate, continuous-film Fabry-Perot-type resonators, consisting only of unstructured dielectric and metallic films. We show that the proposed configuration is suitable for realization of narrowband emitters, tunable in ranges from mid- to near-infrared, and demonstrate emission centered at the wavelength of 1.7 μm, which corresponds to the band gap energy of GaSb-based photodetectors. The emission is measured at 748 K and follows well the emissivity as predicted from reflection measurements and Kirchhoff's reciprocity. The considered emitter configuration is spectrally highly tunable and, consisting of only few unstructured layers, is amenable to wafer-scale fabrication at low cost by use of standard deposition procedures.