The first donor-acceptor species in which a strongly emissive N-annulated perylene dye is connected to a methylviologen electron acceptor unit via its macrocyclic nitrogen atom, is prepared by a stepwise, modular procedure. The absorption spectra, redox behavior, spectroelectrochemistry and photophysical properties of this dyad and of its model species are investigated, also by pump-probe fs transient absorption spectroscopy. Photoinduced oxidative electron transfer from the excited state of the dyad, centered on the N-annulated perylene subunit, to the appended methyviologen electron acceptor takes place in a few ps. The charge-separated species recombines in 19 ps. Our results indicate that N-annulated perylene can be connected to functional units by taking advantage of the macrocyclic nitrogen, an option never used until now, without losing their properties, so opening the way to new designing approaches.
Keywords: N-annulated perylene; charge-separated state; femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy; luminescence; photoinduced electron transfer.
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