Context: The treatment of relapsed verrucous vulvar cancer (VVC) is difficult. When vulvar cancer relapses, the treatment response is low for second-line treatments. Conversely, toxicity is high. Therefore, scientists need to identify different treatment methods.
Objectives: The case study was intended to examine the benefits of combining treatment with microalgae and metronidazole with radiotherapy to increase the response to treatment.
Setting: The study took place in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Bezmialem Vakif University, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Participant: The case study involved an 81-y-old female patient whose vulvar tumor was excised and who came to the research team's radiation oncology service for postoperative radiation. She had 2 comorbid disorders: Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease.
Intervention: A relapse had occurred in the 15-d postoperative period. Because of the patient's age and comorbid disorders, the research team decided to treat the new tumor only with concurrent radiochemotherapy and a weekly dose of cisplatin that contained chemoradiotherapy, for a total of 25 mg. At the 52.2 Gy dose level, grade 3 radiation skin toxicity occurred in the radiated area, although the research team had obtained an 80% response to the radiochemotherapy. The treatment was interrupted because of toxicity but also due to a deterioration in the patient's general health. Progression of the tumor continued, and the tumor's diameter increased to 7 cm after a 4-mo period. The research team then initiated radiotherapy again, combining it with spirulina in a 750 mg/dose at 2 doses/d and metronidazole in a 500 mg/dose at 3 doses/d, to decrease radiation toxicity and increase radiosensitivity. Radiotherapy was applied at 200 cGy per fraction with a total dose of 2400 cGy, with only 1 anterior local-tumor field.
Results: The patient showed a complete response to radiotherapy, and the tumor disappeared at the 2400 cGy radiation dose. No toxicity occurred related to the skin or the woman's general health. Her Karnofsky performance score increased to 90% from 50%, which was the initial score of the second treatment.