Effect of magic angle spinning on (13)C spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation in nanodiamonds

J Phys Condens Matter. 2015 Sep 16;27(36):365302. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/27/36/365302. Epub 2015 Aug 24.


We report on (13)C spin-lattice (R 1) and spin-spin (R 2) relaxation rate dependence on magic-angle-spinning (MAS) rate in highly purified synthetic nanodiamonds. Noticeable slowdown of both relaxation processes and reduction of nuclear spin diffusion coefficient D with increasing MAS rate was obtained. This effect is attributed to suppression of nuclear spin diffusion by MAS. We developed a theoretical approach that describes the MAS rate dependence of R 1, R 2 and D, allows quantitative analysis of the data and shows good compliance with the experiment.