Purpose: Primary spinal osteosarcoma is quite rare, and the 5-year survival rate is very low. Because of its rarity, successful treatment experience with spinal osteosarcoma is limited. The purpose of this study is to report the effect of therapy of primary osteosarcoma of spine by carbon-ion radiotherapy (CIRT) and long-term follow.
Methods: A 70-year-old with primary spinal osteosarcoma who received CIRT underwent combined anterior artificial vertebral body replacement and posterior lumbar fusion (L1-L5) 3 years later.
Results: According to the surgical resection of tumoral lesion, pathological results showed that the intertrabecular space previously filled with tumor cells on the initial biopsy sample now contained necrotic tissue without tumor cells. This means that primary osteosarcoma of the spine was completely eliminated and achieved local control with CIRT, with a 7-year follow-up after the initial treatment.
Conclusions: Carbon ion beam treatment is an effective local treatment for patients with spinal osteosarcoma for whom surgical resection is not a feasible option, especially for elderly patients. However, more patients need to be evaluated over a longer term to assess the curative effect of CIRT.
Keywords: Carbon-ion radiotherapy; Long-term follow; Osteosarcoma; Spine.