High-resolution computed tomography (CT) imaging of a live animal within a lead-lined synchrotron light hutch presents several unique challenges. In order to confirm that the animal is under a stable plane of anaesthesia, several physiological parameters (e.g. heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation, core body temperature and respiratory rate) must be remotely monitored from outside the imaging hutch. In addition, to properly scan the thoracic region using CT, the animal needs to be held in a vertical position perpendicular to the fixed angle of the X-ray beam and free to rotate 180°-360°. A new X-ray transparent mouse restraint designed and fabricated using computer-aided design software and three-dimensional rapid prototype printing has been successfully tested at the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy bending-magnet (BMIT-BM) beamline at the Canadian Light Source.
Keywords: X-ray imaging; anaesthesia; computer-aided design; remote physiological monitoring; three-dimensional printing.