Annals of Medicine and Surgery - A modern Journal for Modern Trainees

Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2012 Oct 14:1:7-10. doi: 10.1016/S2049-0801(12)70002-X. eCollection 2012.


At its core, the purpose of healthcare is simple: to maximise quality and quantity of life. To achieve this vision, doctors have assumed an array of roles across a number of domains beyond the one-to-one patient-doctor interaction. Such domains include; teaching, research, leadership, management and clinical governance to name but a few. These roles and the healthcare systems in which they operate, have evolved over time to meet demand from patients, the profession, government and regulators. Further evolution is needed as we move into the 21st century to deal with the "perfect storm" of expensive technological advances, economic challenges and epidemiological changes.(1) It is the trainees and students of today who will drive this progress in the future. Journals are a gateway to scientific progress and we believe there is a need for a journal to educate and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of trainees and students. Furthermore, over the past few years, the very nature of scientific journal publication has come under scrutiny.(2) Hence we seek to establish a modern journal that deals with the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Keywords: Annals of Medicine and Surgery; Medical leadership; Mentorship; Open access; Peer review.