Background: Palliative sedation (PS) can be classified as either continuous or intermittent. Continuous PS is most commonly used in end-of-life care, while no specific indication for intermittent PS exists.
Case presentation: Here we describe two cases of refractory severe cancer pain with psychological anguish that were controlled successfully by intermittent IPS for the long time. One patient complained of refractory severe cancer pain and insomnia. The other patient had uncontrollable pain and delirium, whose sufferings were relieved by intermittent PS. Case Management and Outcome: Intermittent PS was offered to the cases every night-time with family member/patient's consent. After providing intermittent PS, cancer pain decreased to mild intensity and psychological symptoms were significant improved simultaneously with patients awake during day time.
Conclusions: Palliative PS may stop vicious cycle of physical and psychological distress in terminal cancer patients. Furthermore, intermittent type of PS could keep patients consciousness alert during day time and may be performed repeatedly for the long time.