Background: (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET plays an important role in the detection of cardiac involvement sarcoidosis (CS). However, diffuse left ventricle (LV) wall uptake sometimes makes it difficult to distinguish between positive uptake and physiological uptake. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of 18-h fasting with low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) vs a minimum of 6-h fasting preparations on diffuse LV FDG uptake and free fatty acid (FFA) levels in patients with suspected CS.
Methods: Eighty-two patients with suspected CS were divided into 2 preparation protocols: one with a minimum 6-h fast without LCD preparation (group A, n = 58) and the other with a minimum 18-h fast with LCD preparation (group B, n = 24). All patients also received intravenous unfractionated heparin (UFH; 50 IU/kg) before the injection of FDG.
Results: Group A showed a higher percentage of diffuse LV uptake than did group B (27.6 vs 0.0%, P = .0041). Group B showed higher FFA levels (1159.1 ± 393.0, 650.5 ± 310.9 μEq/L, P < .0001) than did group A. Patients with diffuse LV uptake (n = 16) showed lower FFA levels than did other patients (n = 66) (432.1 ± 296.1, 888.4 ± 381.4 μEq/L, P < .0001). UFH administration significantly increased FFAs in both groups, even in the patients with diffuse LV FDG uptake.
Conclusions: The 18-h fast with LCD preparation significantly reduced diffuse LV uptake and increased FFA levels. In particular, the FFA level was significantly lower in patients with LV diffuse uptake than in patients without LV diffuse uptake. Acutely increasing plasma FFA through the use of UFH may not have a significant role in reducing physiological LV FDG uptake.
Keywords: 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose; Cardiac sarcoidosis; free fatty acid; long fasting; positron emission tomography.